Theory of meaningful information

General Information Theory, Strong AI Model, Theory of Intelligence, Universal Knowledge Representation Language

The Theory of Meaningful Information (abbr. TMI) is a general theory that can be applied to information of every type, level and complexity. TMI explains the nature and functionality of information and enables the production of relevant definitions regarding language and knowledge, which remain operative also in the case of non-human languages and knowledge systems. Every piece of information, expressed in any natural language or whatever formal system, can also be expressed in the terms of TMI concepts without losing any of the semantics.

TMI contains the axiomatic theory of intelligence permitting the explanation and reproduction of intelligent algorithms of both natural and artificial intelligences and the theory of the universal knowledge representation language, which actually allows such a language to be constructed. The intelligence theory is based on the model of a strong AI, which completely complies with the requirements of a strong AI originally formulated by Weizenbaum in 1976. This makes it the first model matching these requirements.

The conceptual effectiveness of TMI is based on its breakthrough approach, which consists in extending the universal methods of information formalization developed in mainstream programming outside of its original domain. This theory basically rejects all mathematically based concepts of language, information and intelligence as completely irrelevant.